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What You Need to Know About Marie Kondo’s Method

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The hype about Marie Kondo’s TV series on Netflix, Tidying Up, is continuing to spread. You may have seen a friend or two post on social media about their garbage bags of clothes they’re proudly getting rid. How can video, verses her book, compel us to action so quickly? I decided to check out what the excitement was all about, so I sat down to watch the show.

As I observed her method, I came away with 6 observations and thoughts for you to consider when it comes to organizing your own home:

1. Get rid of items immediately that you don’t use.

There is no need to keep items that you have been avoiding, or that have been sitting around. Marie’s method is to tackle all the items of your home by categories; rather then room by room. This gives you an enlightened perspective on how much you actually have of that one category. This can be shocking! The purpose is not to bring shame over what you have, but it’s about taking action to change it.

2. Everything you own is taking time.

The items you own need care, managing, fixing, cleaning, and more. It makes sense that the less items you own, the less energy will be put towards objects, and more time can be put towards relationships. Minimalism isn’t for everyone, but we all have things around our home that are simply taking up space. The idea of items “taking up space” is not only physical, but also mental space. When we eliminate objects that are adding baggage to our life, we feel “lighter”.

3. Tidying is a habit; not a one time event.

The initial rush that comes from getting rid of mountain of bags can help build momentum towards cleaner habits, but it doesn’t solidify a habit. Habits are formed by consistency. If you continue to diligently keep your space tidy after the initial clean-out, that will form a habit. If you expect everything to stay clean after you move your mountain of bags out, but you don’t stay consistent with tidying, you’ll be sorely disappointed. Life goes on as usual, and if you take the time to develop a habit of being tidy, you’ll save time, money, and your sanity.

4. Find Joy in the work of your hands.

Joy doesn’t come from stuff; it’s deeper. Joy is a mindset that, similar to a habit, is strengthened the more it’s practiced. A deep rooted contentment and peace can only come from Christ. You can find joy in doing what you are created to do, but the objects themselves cannot bring you joy.

5. Gratitude over consumerism is key.

Materialism is a strong force in our culture. We consume, and then want even more. I’m guilty of this too. One of the big takeaways from Marie Kondo’s method for me is gratitude. Be thankful for your home, for the items you own, and also treat them with care. We are blessed with conveniences and necessities that make our lives easier. Take time to be thankful for items you have.

6. Relationships are more important then stuff.

Marie speaks about a relationship with our things; I’m proposing that the relationship with our spouse, family, friends, and neighbors is our why behind taking action. Tidying your home will not change the depth, or culture, of your relationships; it will bring to light what was being hidden by managing stuff. You’ll no longer have the excuse of the items around you. If you have built amazing relationships, even with a messy home, a clean home will give you more time to develop those relationships. If you’ve struggled in your relationships, and conflict has been a prominent practice, the absence of stuff give you the opportunity face those challenges. The “Tidying Up “show gives the appearance that tidying your home will immensely enhance your relationships. This is only true if you choose to grow through the challenges, love deeper, and share fully.

If you’ve read Marie’s book, The Magic Art of Tidying Up, the TV show follows the steps outlined in the book. Seeing Marie walk the family through the steps brings the concept to light. The items in your life should add to it, not take away from it. Although I don’t agree that our objects have feelings or an aura, I do believe that if we treat the things we own with care, they will be able to serve their purpose longer. We can be grateful, careful, and tactful with how we treat our home.

Question: What is the first place you need to start with tidying this week? Share in the comments below.

This Post Has 7 Comments
  1. I’ve only watched the first episode, but was taken with her folding pattern. I immediately cleared out my t-shirt drawer, which was getting harder and harder to close. However, I now have trouble discerning one black t-shirt from the other so it’s a surprise when I pull one out for the gym. I’m curious to see the other tips played out from her book in more episodes. The whole “thanking” of inanimate objects isn’t something I believe in, but does make me grateful for all that I have.

    1. I agree! I appreciate how clean the folding pattern is. It’s really hard to do sloppy. 🙂 I started using her towel folding method about 1 year ago. I agree, the “thanking” object is not my thing either, but I do appreciate the thoughtfulness and gratitude for what we own.

  2. These are excellent tips! After feeling like I was constantly cleaning with two little ones around, I started going thru some things. It was amazing how much I could easily part with- clothes, toys, paper. Thanks for sharing these!

    1. Thank you Rachel! Totally, once you start being thoughtful about what you keep/get rid of, it’s crazy how much you realize you don’t actually need.

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